Monday, September 1, 2008

A True Warrior

Courage to standThe true spiritual warrior knows the only enemy he has is what he has yet to shed light upon in himself, therefore, he/she never postpones a battle that must be engaged. The true spiritual warrior always remembers that his enemy never forgets his weaknesses.The true spiritual warrior starts life over all over and over again. The true spiritual warrior works every day, every moment, to sharpen his battle skills. The true spiritual warrior leads by example, never fearing to make an example of him/herself -- no matter what the cost.The true spiritual warrior is never afraid to look at what he doesn't want to see. The true spiritual warrior commits himself to his best choice and realizes that to live in conflict over what is or is not best is the refusal of responsibility.The true spiritual warrior never fears feelings of helplessness, because he recognizes such states as the heralds of new powers to come . . . like storm clouds before spring flowers. The true spiritual warrior knows that the path of spiritual liberation that he/she has chosen must lead him to one encounter after another with conditions that always seem greater than he is. Welcome to the spiritual life!Pray......... Believe and Know a Clean Spirit R E Sebastian

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