Saturday, March 10, 2007

Healing touch not New to Us! Lets use together!

Hold on to your, “Ma’ahh” , your inner spirit. This is your spiritual centre, the real you. There are ways to keep you spirit inside you and keep you healthy. Years ago, I was in Morley Alberta, and a friend of mine, a Holland from Telkwa BC who taught me to how to wave my spirit back inside of me.
This method of waving a spirit back inside of yourself, is much like a nurse who uses, “healing touch.” Healing touch is a very modern method of patient care.
Although healing touch is said to be relatively new in modern therapy, it is as ancient to my culture and as important as any modern method of healing. In healing touch you wave the bad energy out of a patience body. But the major key to healing touch is that of shaking that bad energy away from the healer. If you are not careful you could well, wave the disease into yourself.
Your Ma ‘ahh can be seen by a good healer, one with a lot of experience in healing touch. When they look at you they will see a color formation glowing around you, this color will determine how sick you are! A rough example is yellow will say your energy force is low and you should strengthen your spirit level through praying.
When a healer is laying their hands onto you and brushing away the bad feelings, they must shake, away these bad feelings from the patient and more importantly from themselves. One of our ancient methods to shake away bad feelings was to take these feelings, swallow them, and burp them back and throwing them into the sky, with your hands. Very effective!
It is also very important to pick a healer who is avidly trusted and who will not play or steal your spirit. The Gitxsan and the Wet’suwet’en have practiced the laying-on of the hands for centuries. Modern medicine is now just excepting this method as vital to healing a patient. We (natives) have used this method for centuries; we just were not listened to. Let’s put our cultures together and build a future, now! RES

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