Thursday, December 6, 2007

Honesty will save Christmas

What does Christmas really mean to us? Well personally I look at the opportunity to get close with my friends, it is more importantly a time when Christians remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. He came 2,000 years ago and I don’t think Man/Women have taken to heart what his message was? Many of us do not enter into a holy path until disaster has struck or our lives are at the final breath.
As a Native Canadian I was lucky to be brought into this world as, “who I am!” One born in a culture that existed here in northern BC for some 10,000 years led by a doctrine of honesty that help my people thrive. 10,000 years Yes! And life boils down to simple pray and honesty, that is the footprints my ancestors left me to teach my children.
Have you ever noticed that a person who has lived his/her life on a honest bases passes on to the “other-side” as if they were not even on this earth. They simply came here to show us how to live, by doing it, live honestly.
All our laws of the Gitxsan and the Wet’suwet’en speak to living a honest life. Never taking what is not yours! Earning what you have and it will stay with you and your kids. Never wasting or playing-with, what you have, especially food. Don’t take things for grant it! Learn to ask for what you need and always say ,thank you! Wake up every morning with God on your lips. This is how we native people have thrived here on earth for 10,000 years.
How have we changed? It has only been 100 years here in northern BC that a new culture has come and we have all but destroyed ourselves, and we have allowed a new culture to kill us! Yes we have had help, look at the cruel genocidal history of Canada and the western world. We are dam lucky to be alive some racists still want us dead!
We will be the conscious of Canada. It is time to put a new memory into the western world. Put the past behind us, don’t forget the past but let it forge our future. We are all Gods children.
Merry Christmas all! Let your spirits soar like eagles, let all people’s kids be strong, may God bring food to all on earth! Let us live a simple honest life, forgive all in the past take our next steps in Gods shoes and leave honest footprints for our kids to follow. Yes! We can make a difference, me then you, then another, then another! RESebastian

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Horse whisper-er!

The real Horse whisper person! Whoa boy! In order for you to become a horse whisper-er, you must first think like a “Human Being” who is part of this earth. I have written in a earlier blog that, we Natives don’t own the land, we are the land and the land is us! A Basic philosophy that encompasses the whole world, how we view life!
A Horse being one of us must be given the respect as a equal. My Uncle Willie learnt to horse whisper from my grandfather, both had one thing in common they seen the world through the eyes of a human being. My grandfather came to northern BC from Iowa USA and he and his brother brought some of the first great horses to the Hazelton’s early 1900’s. His name was Bill English and he married my grandmother Elizabeth Wilson. He taught my uncle Willie to horse whisper. My uncle could brake horses by just talking to them and reading they’re bodies, especially their ears!
He would get horses that people rode in the rodeo and he would brake-them for regular riding. Here I would also say, it was not a matter of braking-a-horse, it was a mutual arrangement between two “Living-beings”
Sometimes I just want to give our fellow man, a taste of his/her own medicine when people think they are a superior being and force a animal to do their bidding! Yes! There are ways to do these things, try reading a bit of the animal’s personality.
That is the first thing a good hunter does when he/she is hunting a animal, read the character of the animal. If the animal is a wild rogue, watch out you may end up on the “plate !”.
If you are clean in thought most times the animal will assist you as a equal! RES

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Supernatural Power of education!

WE grew up with a fierce belief in the supernatural, the magic enthralled us all, this is how we learned our first lessons in behavior. If we didn’t go to bed the old lady of the woods was going to come and take you away! Close the curtains or a ghost was going to look into the window, we momentarily dashed a quick look at the window and wrenched the blinds closed.
One winter evening an old stranger came by the village, it was snowing at the time, he wanted to play poker. The whole village played all night with him until he had all the money. He got up quietly from his seat and walked off into the night. The men got mad, we can’t let him take all our money, lets go track him down and take our money back! The men went out side with their lanterns they followed the tracks in the snow only a few feet, to their astonishment and their horror the human tracks in the snow turned to hooves! They had just spent the night with the devil, no one played poker for a long long while!
The native legends were endless, how we were not to copy the hoot of the owl! Once a young child did this endlessly, every night he would mimic the owls. One night he simply disappeared and word came that a villager had seen an owl carrying him off in the distance. The Chief, of the household, sent hundreds of search parties, looking for him, to no avail. They looked everywhere, no sign of the young body! Broken heartedly they gave-up! There was always a empty feeling when thoughts of young boys came around,. Then 10 years to the day, out of no-where, a young man walked into the village. He spoke no language, he climbed onto tree branches and rousted, he only ate what owls ate. It was the long lost boy, he had come home! A big potlatch and celebration was put up, all the people who searched were paid, “Our son is back!” part owl but he’s back! We no longer hoot at Owls!
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

A Fiery Dream

A few years ago, I had a realistic dream (I have them now and then, much like a movie but as real as you and me) the other night I had a repeat of the thought, what does it mean? A Vision?
The original dream- I had been sleeping and I awoke full of anxiety. Where had I just been? The dream started, when I came to… from my sleep, I was standing in a Fiery planet, where was I? I started to get scared, yet something assured me that I was fine! I began to look around, the air was choking, it was hot, I could barely breath. There was fire sot all over the place; everything was red and full of ashes. When I walked I could feel the earth give way underneath me. The earth was totally unstable, when I walked I half-crawled.
Then it hit me, I was home! This was Hagwilget (New Hazelton) and I was home! Was I in the future? I had no clew, yet I was relatively comfortable! I could feel the land where our old house stood. I could envision where the rivers were, now gone, I could see the valley’s of the Bulkley and Skeena rivers all were still there, at least their impressions. This was a desolate red land, one that changed 180. What had happened?
Suddenly out of no where, came a rolling thunder of a huge engine, it was a giant earth-moving tractor; it just came out of a hidden land crest. It was coming my way. I had to run, fighting the sot and ash, but I made it clear of this monster truck, that was at least four stories in height and width. The driver never stopped he/she just kept going.
During this mind trip I came to realize I was never alone, I realized I was not frightened, as I knew where I was, home! I never wondered what we as people, had done to the land, in my heart I knew. Can this message be prevented?
In our language we use words like honor, honesty, justice, love, religion, self-healing, these are the words we humans must use to prevent this dream from coming true! We need earth, wind (air) and fire. Keep our planet pure!
Saba! Amen!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Healing touch not New to Us! Lets use together!

Hold on to your, “Ma’ahh” , your inner spirit. This is your spiritual centre, the real you. There are ways to keep you spirit inside you and keep you healthy. Years ago, I was in Morley Alberta, and a friend of mine, a Holland from Telkwa BC who taught me to how to wave my spirit back inside of me.
This method of waving a spirit back inside of yourself, is much like a nurse who uses, “healing touch.” Healing touch is a very modern method of patient care.
Although healing touch is said to be relatively new in modern therapy, it is as ancient to my culture and as important as any modern method of healing. In healing touch you wave the bad energy out of a patience body. But the major key to healing touch is that of shaking that bad energy away from the healer. If you are not careful you could well, wave the disease into yourself.
Your Ma ‘ahh can be seen by a good healer, one with a lot of experience in healing touch. When they look at you they will see a color formation glowing around you, this color will determine how sick you are! A rough example is yellow will say your energy force is low and you should strengthen your spirit level through praying.
When a healer is laying their hands onto you and brushing away the bad feelings, they must shake, away these bad feelings from the patient and more importantly from themselves. One of our ancient methods to shake away bad feelings was to take these feelings, swallow them, and burp them back and throwing them into the sky, with your hands. Very effective!
It is also very important to pick a healer who is avidly trusted and who will not play or steal your spirit. The Gitxsan and the Wet’suwet’en have practiced the laying-on of the hands for centuries. Modern medicine is now just excepting this method as vital to healing a patient. We (natives) have used this method for centuries; we just were not listened to. Let’s put our cultures together and build a future, now! RES