Monday, September 1, 2008

A True Warrior

Courage to standThe true spiritual warrior knows the only enemy he has is what he has yet to shed light upon in himself, therefore, he/she never postpones a battle that must be engaged. The true spiritual warrior always remembers that his enemy never forgets his weaknesses.The true spiritual warrior starts life over all over and over again. The true spiritual warrior works every day, every moment, to sharpen his battle skills. The true spiritual warrior leads by example, never fearing to make an example of him/herself -- no matter what the cost.The true spiritual warrior is never afraid to look at what he doesn't want to see. The true spiritual warrior commits himself to his best choice and realizes that to live in conflict over what is or is not best is the refusal of responsibility.The true spiritual warrior never fears feelings of helplessness, because he recognizes such states as the heralds of new powers to come . . . like storm clouds before spring flowers. The true spiritual warrior knows that the path of spiritual liberation that he/she has chosen must lead him to one encounter after another with conditions that always seem greater than he is. Welcome to the spiritual life!Pray......... Believe and Know a Clean Spirit R E Sebastian

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Mountain Wizard

Three young warriors with little experience of mountain life decided to go hunting for the big elusive mountain goats, a prize any hunter would like to bag!
Two tender-foots who had little knowledge of our mighty life threatening mountains and a young warrior who remembered some of the tricks to walk in the footprints of these surefooted creatures.
The semi-knowledgeable man was not taken seriously, in his quest to keep all in the party safe! When he would mention safety tasks the two witty partners snickered but did what they were told. After all what was there to lose, just their lives.
The three had left they’re camp which was down in a gully and far below the mountains tops where the goats make they’re homes and feed. The day was clear and warm with no sight of danger making the mood light and a little carefree, not a good sign when everything you did could be your last. The five hour summit was easily reached and the goats were not found.
At this point a dense fog engulfed the trio, it seemed to come from nowhere. They were blinded and could not see, even the perky ledges they had just walked up. They were at a stand still. It was at this point that the main warrior took charge, he had remembered a old wizards trick to get them out of their predicament. He said I will take the lead you two will walk behind me and throw pebbles in front of me when I say so. The two misbelievers did what they were told. There was not only a dense fog it now became dark with night and a lightening storm had begun. The three were deathly afraid, was this the way they were to breathe their last breath?
Slowly they would walk ahead using the time consuming method of moving down the mountain by walking down ward throwing stones, listening to the sound result of the stones hitting the barely walk able incline. When they would hear the stones land on the ledge ahead of them they would move to that spot. The lightening also helped them see the small path but the lightening light was a split second glance and only came periodically. They moved downward.
At a single point one of the followers had thrown a stone and no sound came back to them, they stopped in their tracks and waited for the lightening to see where they had come to? The lightening came and there they were, on a small out cropping staring down at a sure death. That next step would have been their last!.
The leader pondered the situation and said, “Just wait, wait for the lightening again”, when it hit he could see the faint out line of their tarp, at the camp, off to the left of them, safety!
They made it to the camp but all was not over, this camp was but a small ridge, and if they fell asleep and rolled they would roll over a huge crevasse. The leader told them they had to find a mountain tree and tie themselves to the tree before going sleep! Again the doubting-pair smiled but did what they were told. They could only find two small tree’s so the leaders asked if he could be tied to either of the two and they refused. Laughing they both said I’m not letting you tie yourself to me. So the leader did what he could to make himself safe. The tired trio fell quickly to sleep.They woke up in the morning both young men were hanging from the small trees and the leader had rolled some sixty feet below them, during the night, but was safe. They went home that morning safe with no goats, with the leader saying, “next time we go for goats, I will tie myself to a tree first, then tell you what you have to do, to have a safe sleep!” from my friend Barry Bush a Gitxsan warrior (the teams leader) ! RESebastian LOL

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wise people from up above lead us!

Today as days of old, becoming a Chief is a very important event, for the Gitxsan and Wetsuweten tribes here are some of the rules. Firstly the Chief is mostly picked from birth, then groomed all his/her life for that position. In the grooming the child is held very strictly and habits are drilled into the child much like the modern day child in a royal family. Both education and manners are essential to him/her becoming a community leader and a religious person. They are constantly watched and all behavior is noted to see what kind of a leader they will make.
I heard it expressed by one of our chiefs that a Chief is looked to; much like a Bishop, in modern day churches. Now! You must remember that this ancient system has been here (British Columbia) for over a thousand years,
A modern day Chief must walk his/her territory, all houses or clans have designated land holdings, fishing holes and members. They must lead in all the attributes of the society, including laws written and unwritten, common law, and constitutional (or Feast Hall) laws. Chiefs do not react to just anything that bothers them, as they do not want to bring shame to their family, or “Dirty their Official Blanket!” They are extremely careful and they walk softly on the breath of their Grand parents. It is said that they are led by the wise from “up-above”

Many young people try to make their mark in our ancient system, but these new comers can be seen miles away. They are humored. In order to speak in one our feasts you must log hundreds of hours in the system before people will even acknowledge you being there. Even then you may not get a chance to say a word. This is not a democracy, but there are avenues to make your point in the feast hall. If the point you want to make is so crucial to the path of our people you must bring it to the feast hall through your father’s side of the family, and to do this you must pay your father Clan for this privilege. In that way you will be heard.
At one Feast at Hagwilget years ago, it was this one Chiefs turn to speak, no one dared say a word before this Chief took his turn to speak. The Chief pondered, ached, a thought about what he was going to say. A day and a half went by, finally the Chief rose to feet to speak. This was recorded by one of the first Doctors to the Hazelton area at contact time. A day and half, people waited for the man to take his turn to speak, can we do that today, I doubt if we could sit and be quite for one hour let alone 36 hours. I understand now why they call our village (Hagwilget) village of the quite people! RES